Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tanya's Grateful For You ♥

Hello every BUGGY.. Tanya here with a simple yet elegant card using the FABULOUS Rumple Ribbon. Be sure to go check the colors out and get yours today!! >>CLICK HERE!!!

So.. on with the show.. This card was easy to make and keeps with my "style". Hope you like it!!

Lovebug Creations - Gentleman's Jacket Rumple Ribbon

Hop on over to my blog for more information about this card>>> HERE

I hope you like this simple yet charming lil card as much as I do. Thank you for stopping by and don't forget to leave a little "buggy" love.

"buggy" hugs....

1 comment:

1 Pamela Lash said...

Elegant and gorgeous - I love your style.........cyberhugs.......Mama LoveBug