Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tanya's Gorgeous Jewelry Box & Christine's Lovely Sneak Peek Tag ♥

Welcome back every "buggy"!!! Tanya here with a perty lil jewelry gift box for mom. I LOVE the "Augusta" Rumple Ribbon and you will too!! You can get yours >>>HERE!!!! You will love all the colors they offer!!

Ok.. anyways.. onto my project... So, I haven't been feeling so well so my creativity has been on "nap" status and while I was going thru my Silhouette purchases... I spotted a box I bought a bit ago and never made. PERFECT!! This box is EASY to make and I just love dressing things up!! The awesome thing is.. there is also a piece that can be cut to make a necklace holder instead of earrings!! Woot Woot!! Ok.. ok...onto my project...

This is the box closed...
The box slightly opened...

Thank you for stopping by. If you would like more details about this lil box please visit my blog HERE!!!!! I have all of the supplies listed!!

Buggy Hugs,


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday.

My post for this week is a Spring-inspired Tag featuring Lovebug Creations Rumple Ribbon in Icy Sky.

Please come over to the Scarlet Calliope blog to see what's up!





1 Pamela Lash said...

Lovely creations, ladies - both are awesome and unique!!

2 Unknown said...

Beautiful projects!