Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dorcas' Gift Idea & Dawn Mercedes' Island Breeze Trio ♥

Hi friends, this is Dorcas from Crafty Card Angel here to share a super quick mini card. This is going to be used to accompany a baby gift. I am using Princess Danika - don't you love that name? - rumple ribbon. Stop by the STORE to pick up yours. It's shimmery and gorgeous!!

and now for Dawn Mercedes' amazing projects...
Oh wait...that is the name of the color of Rumple Ribbon I used.
But I sure can say that "OLIVE RUMPLE RIBBON!"

Eat your veggies...or you'll lose your Rumple Ribbon!

Here's another simple use for Rumple Ribbon.
Actually, a great way to use up small scraps of your ribbon.
I tied two short pieces of rumple ribbon together with a simple knot.
The Caddy Blue is great with this selection of papers from The Robin's Nest.
The next time you pick up a pack of paper, think about what rumple ribbons colors would work best with your new patterns and color combos!

Yesterday, I decided that my most favorite color of Rumple Ribbon (at this time, b/c you know I tend to change my mind often) Sunset! Ooh lala.
Here it is on a card that I have created using Sorbet Papers from the Robin's Nest.
To find out more about how I created those hearts out of Creative PaperClay ®, please check out

Now, who is going to be humming the tune to these lyrics in a few minutes??

Thanks for checking us out today!
Remember to check out all the fabulous colors at the Lovebug Creations Store!
Dawn Mercedes, of Sunnyside Up



1 Pamela Lash said...

Beautiful baby project - so sweet. And Eat Your Veggies or You'll Lose Your Rumple Ribbon - that definitely cracked me up! - Clever and eye-popping cards!!....cyberhugs........Mama LoveBug

2 Unknown said...

Love that vegetable stamp! Caddy blue is one of my favorite colors...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards, Dawn Mercedes. And yes...I'm singing "Our a very, very, very fine house." Thanks! I'll be cursing you under my breath all day today!! LOL