Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dorcas' Sweet Notes & Dawn Mercedes Dilemma ♥

Hi friends,

Dorcas here again from Crafty Card Angel with a quick note card for you. My mom loves paper. LOVES it. She likes anything that is stationery. I made her a set of these little note cards using Sunset rumple ribbon. The rose is very easy to make. Head on over to the Lovebug Creations Store to pick up your ribbon. Be sure to stop by my blog for more details on the other supplies used.

And now for Dawn Mercedes' Project!!!


You cut your Rumble Ribbon too long...and had to trim a small piece off. It's not big enough for a bow. You are a hoarder and want to keep it, use it. What is a crafter to do? Well, go to your office supplies, pull out a paper clip...and tie that precious remnant onto your clip! Presto magic...You have a cute, trendy embellishment for any card or page. Plus, You have saved yourself from the agonies of mis-cutting your Rumple Ribbon from Lovebug Creations!

This example uses the very springy and very pretty Goddess Green Ribbon!
Thanks for stopping by!!!
Have a crafty day ♥


1 Pamela Lash said...

I bet your mom will love the note cards, Dorcas......lovely idea.

Dawn Mercedes - wow what a clever way to stretch your Rumple Ribbon stash and you card is very cute!!

Cyberhugs...........Mama LoveBug

2 Unknown said...

Beautiful cards, as always, ladies!!!!