Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Dawn Mercedes is "Foxy" and Dorcas is "One of a Kind" and someone's a Winner! ♥

Rumple Ribbon makes the prettiest of bows for the girls and women in your address book.
But, a boy or man is going to want something a little more streamlined.

Grab three ribbons.
Choose colors that go along with the color combo of your card.
Tape one end together.
Tape the other end.

Easy, peasy....

Adhere to your card...What boy is not going to enjoy this foxy fellow!

Ribbon colors used: Caddy Blue, Sunflower, Goddess Green

Feel free to Zoom By my Blog: Sunnyside Up! 
Now on to Dorcas' project....

Hi friends,

Dorcas here from Crafty Card Angel sharing this week's card. I'm using Sunset (orange) and Green Leaves for these beauties. I really like how simple and classy they are. I think I might use them for Teacher Appreciation Day. Head on over to my BLOG for more details on the other supplies and for more pictures. Be sure to pick up your Rumple Ribbon at the Lovebug Creations Store. You never know what other colors will hop into your basket.

Thanks for stopping by!!
 Now if you hopped with us over the weekend then you have probably been waiting to see who the winner is!
Well say a big congrats to Sue D.
who said
Love the cute cards and tags!
I am a follower.

Thanks everyone who hopped!!! ♥


1 Tanya said...

Oh my!! I love these cards!!! Great job ladies!!! Congrats to the winner too!!!


2 Sue D said...

Great examples using this ribbon. I am excited to have won--I don't have any rumple ribbon so will have fun picking some out. Thanks!

3 Unknown said...

These are fabulous ladies - like the new ways you used the ribbon!