Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Stephanie's Kisses & Katie's Hugs LBC Take-Over ♥

Happy Wednesday Lovebug friends!
Today I am sharing a project I made for my daughter's sweet friend. I found this charm on sale and it happened to be her initial, so I bought it, knowing I could come up with something for her. I made her this bookmark:
 I started with 3 colors of rumple ribbon: Purple People Eater from the Fright Night collection, Green Goddess (which is now retired), and Kisses from the Loves Me...Love Me Knot collection and braided them together. The charm is tied on the end.
I thought this would be awesome to give her for her birthday along with a gift certificate to the bookstore.
You can read more about this project on my blog.
Have a wonderful day!

How about some sheer ribbon in Hugs to keep with the vintage feel??
I needed something light weight and still keep with the tea dye feel I wanted to use and Hugs was the perfect choice!

1 comment:

1 Pamela Lash said...

Beautiful ideas and projects, ladies - you've got crafty mojo!!