Monday, October 28, 2013

Mama's Mesh Monday w/ Dawn Mercedes & Connie!!!! ♥

It's time for another
Mama's Mesh Monday w/
Dawn Mercedes & Connie!!!
So sit back and prepare to be inspired!!!

Who says it has to lay flat?  

After cutting the Mesh in half, lengthwise, I tied a knot in each section
Then, I used strong Craft Glue Dots ® to adhere each section to form a rainbow.
The sentiment comes from PaperMakeup Stamps.  

I just love this sentiment, because it is so true.

And I just love trying new things with Mama's Mesh!
Hello My Fellow LoveBugs!!!
It's my last post on Mama's Mesh Mondays for several months!!
I am moving on to Wednesdays but don't worry, I still have lots of mesh I plan to play with.
So for my last mesh product I wanted to create something special.
I hope I did!!
Here's my newest Duct Tape Wallet
Cherry Jubilee featuring
Simply White Mama's Mesh

 Please stop by my blog to read more details and see more pics of this fun wallet and other projects using LBC products. Become my follower, join in my monthly challenges or just come hang out at Connie Can Crop.
Happy Crafting and Scrappy Hugs!!


1 Pamela Lash said...

What gorgeous ways to use Mama's Mesh - you both are so inventive!!
Cyberhugs..........Mama LoveBug

2 Tanya said...

WOW!! What awesome uses for the mesh!! You two ladies are AMAZING!!!