Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stephanie's Ah-MAY-Zing Teacher's Gift ♥

Hey buggy friends!!
I am here to share a project I made for my son's teacher for teacher appreciation week. I had the kids in his class each draw a picture & write what they loved about her. I then compiled them all in a book for her.
I used the Simply Black & Simply White ribbons from the "Just the Basics" collection.  You can see more on my blog.
Have a great weekend everyone!!


1 Pamela Lash said...

Very beautiful and well-appreciated teacher gift - so lovely.........cyberhugs.........Mama LoveBug

2 Unknown said...

What a great idea! That is so sweet.../

3 Unknown said...

What a great idea! That is so sweet.../

Anonymous said...

This is a super cool gift.