July 31, 1971 was a very special day! My parents got married and 40 years, 4 children and 6 (and a half!) grandchildren later they are still together! I am very blessed to have the most wonderful parents and wanted to put together a lil surprise for them (ok...mostly for Mama cause she's crafty and will be the one to really appreciate this!) It was very difficult to keep this under wraps...Mama is one of the most difficult people to surprise but I think she'll be shocked to wake up to this! At least that's what we're hoping for!! :)
I asked my favorite bloggy besties Zeni and Tanya to help by making something special to celebrate my parents big day!!! And boy did they ever! Both made the cutest projects and I can't thank them enough for it! These two ladies are the best friends anyone could ask for!!! So on to the projects....
First up is the fabulous Miss Zeni- http://www.scrappyzeni.blogspot.com/!! She created this beautiful shadow box!! Stellar!!! Truly lovely! Thanks again Zeni!!!! :)
Next up is the totally crafty Tanya- http://scrappinkymomma.blogspot.com/!!! This album is just to die for! I love it! She always gives herself a hard time but when it comes down to it makes the most gorgeous things ever!!! LOVE IT! :)Happy Anniversary Mama Lovebug!!! For this special event, I have made a shadowbox for Mama Lovebug to put a picture of her choice of her and Papa Lovebug. Mama Lovebug... I hope you are super surprised and that you and Papa Lovebug have a beautiful day. May God bless you with many many more years of happiness. I love you!!!!
I want to wish both Mama and Papa Lovebug a wonderful 40th anniversary with many more years to come! Hope you were surprised and enjoy the album I've made for you!Big Hugs,Tanya
And last but not least is my project! My first explosion box and I made it with my childhood home in mind! I hope you enjoy it Mom! I still need to add pictures to it but will get it you asap! ;) LOVE YOU!!!!! Warning on the video...I had no help filming so it's a little shaky! LOL....
Also I would like to wish my sister Missy and her hubby Jon a wonderful 5 year Anniversary today as well!!! Love you guys!!!! :)
Don't forget to leave Mama some love in the comments section!! It'll really make her day! :)